Gwelir myrdd o ryfeddodau

(Dyfodiad Crist i'r Farn)
Gwelir myrdd o ryfeddodau
  Ar ddyfodiad Iesu Grist;
Ni fydd un o'r gwaredigion
  Ar y boreu hwnw'n drist;
Galar mwy, poen na chlwy',
Fyth ni ddaw i gwrdd â hwy.

Dyma'r dydd y cân y caethion, 
  Nes dadseinio'r nefoedd fawr,
Am ddyfodiad eu Gwaredwr,
  Pan y cwrddont uwch y llawr:
Yn eu plith, rhif y gwlith,
Molaf fy Iachawdwr byth.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
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Gwelir myrdd o ryfeddodau,
  Ar ddyfodiad Iesu Grist;
Ni bydd un o'r gwaredigion
  Yn y bore hwnnw'n drist;
Galar mwy, poen na chlwy',
Byth ni ddaw i'w blino hwy.

Cânt ei weld
    a'i carodd yna
  Yn y man yr ochor draw,
Oll yn glwedda ar ei gariad,
  A'u telynau yn eu llaw:
Oll yn un, a chytûn,
Molant Dduwdod yn y Dyn.

Peraidd ganant yn ddiddiwedd
  Wedi angau du a'r bedd;
Nid oes yno glaf na chlwyfus
  Yng nghymdaithas Brenin hedd:
Nefoedd yw gweled Duw
Heb un gorchudd o un rhyw.
1,3: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
2 : William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878767]:
Gilead (John Roberts 1807-76)
Groeswen (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Meine Hoffnung (J Neander 1650-80)
Wyddgrug (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

  Bechaduriaid o bob enw
  Canu wnaf am fuddugoliaeth
  Dacw'r hyfryd fan caf drigo

(The Coming of Christ for the Judgment)
A myriad wonders are to be seen
  At the coming of Jesus Christ;
Not one of the delivered ones
  Shall on that morning be sad;
Neither lamenting, pain nor wound,
Shall ever come to meet them any more.

This is the day the captives shall sing,
  Until the great heavens resound,
About the coming of their Deliverer,
  When they meet above the earth:
In their midst, numerous as the dew,
I shall praise my Saviour forever.
                - - - - -

A myriad of wonders is to be seen,
  At the the coming of Jesus Christ;
There will not be one of the delivered
  Sad on that morning;
Lamenting any more, pain or injury,
  Shall not come to trouble them.

They shall get to see
    the one they loved there
  In the place on the far side,
All feasting on his love,
  With their harps in their hand:
All one, and in agreement,
They praise Divinity in the Man.

Sweetly they shall sing endlessly
  After black death and the grave;
There is there no wounded or sick
  In the fellowship of the King of peace:
Heaven is to see God
Without any covering of any kind.
tr. 2014,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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